Industrial Tunnel Best Price Microwave Dryer
Industrial microwave drying process than the tranditional technology to reduce energy consumption by more than 40%,more than 50 times to improve the pwer of revolutionary to reduce production costs,to bring thr core competitiveness of enterprise ,by the majority of users of the trust.Industrial microwave dryer is used for drying and sterilizing various kinds of food---snack food, agricultural products, fish slice, slice dried meat, bean products, instant noodles, fast food, dried fruit, tea, herbs, karaoke powder, fruit and vegetable in the form of powder, granules, slice, etc. Industrial microwave drying process than the tranditional technology to reduce energy consumption by more than 40%,more than 50 times to improve the pwer of revolutionary to reduce production costs,to bring thr core competitiveness of enterprise ,by the
majority of users of the trust. Industrial microwave dryer is used for drying and sterilizing various kinds of food---snack food, agricultural products, fish slice, slice dried meat, bean products, instant noodles, fast food, dried fruit, tea, herbs, karaoke powder, fruit and vegetable in the form of powder, granules, slice, etc.
Control type: bottom or PLC
Temperature: 80-140ºC (can make according to customer's request)
Parts: micro wave drying chamber, micro wave generator, anti-microwave leak suppressor, material conveyor, independent control and detection system and ventilation system.
1- Power supply: 380V 3phases 50HZ
2- No causticity gas, conductive dust and explosive gas
3- Temperature: -5~45C
4- Relative humidity: 50%
Microwave system
1- Frequency: 2450+-25MHZ
2- Power: 200kw controlled automatically or by worker
3- Conveyor width: 1040mm height of outlet: 80mm( we make according to customer's request)
4- Microwave heating chamber: 1.5mm SS304
5- Microwave entre from top and bottom
6- Outlet of anti-microwave leak suppressor: 80mm
It can be used for many material, for example, frozen meat, fresh shrimp, fish, grain, beans, piper, flower, wood and other material. It has function for drying and sterilizing. We can make solution for your detailed demand.